Gold and silver are two of the “precious metals”, known for being soft, malleable, and attractive. And above all, valuable. It can be argued that gold is first among all precious metals, and many terms originate from it such as “gold standard” or “go for gold.” All the same, silver is quite valuable and many items are made from it or coated in it. Silver, when polished, has a very reflective surface that may be considered quite attractive, and many items today are in fact made from sterling silver (an alloy made with steel). Sterling is over 90% silver, and while not as pure as 100% silver, it is highly valued among collectors. Today, silver items are still being produced, and silver has many industrial applications. But where to sell silver? antique sterling silver goods such as an antique sterling trophy or antique Chinese silver may be found at pawn shops, antique gatherings, and even online markets for used goods. A person who owns some unwanted silver products may search “where to sell silver” and find some markets, and “where to sell silver” may in fact be just that: the Internet. As for where to sell silver, some silver item owners may prefer a face-to-face sale or evaluation of their silver goods, while others may offer their sterling silver goods for auction or sale on reputable online sites.
Where Silver is Found
Silver, along with gold, has been used for decorative purposes for many thousands of years and across the world, from Chinese ornaments to European tea sets or lighter cases. In fact, silver mining has been noted to date back to 3000 BC, since silver mines have been found in Turkey and Greece (according to the Royal Society of Chemistry). Ultimately, as with many other elements, silver originated billions of years ago in outer space. Astronomers are aware that many heavier elements found on Earth today were first formed when super-giant stars burned and fused heavier elements in their cores, and these elements scattered across the Universe as these stars died. This includes silver, and such metals found their way into the Earth’s own body as it formed some five billion years ago. Silver, as it is found in nature, is too soft for crafting into goods (the same is true for gold), so alloys are made. Silver alloy is 92.5% silver by content and 7.5% copper, and sometimes, other metals may be involved along with or instead of copper.
Silver on the Market
Silver and gold have been bought and sold as ornamental materials for many millennia, and this goes on to the present day. Silver-plated goods such as vases, trophies, tea sets, and lighters are not made as often anymore, and antiques may see a lot of value due to both their rarity and craftsmanship. A silver item can be evaluated for its value by a professional, who will consider not only the volume of silver involved, but also the metal’s purity and its quality of construction. This, along with the rarity of the item itself, may determine its value. If well made and rare, even smaller items such as a silver pocket watch or a tea spoon may be worth a fair sum, and the owner of silver goods may want to find out these prices for themselves. A person may search “gold and silver pricing services near me”, for example, to find an expert. This may be especially important if the owner plans to sell or trade their silver goods at some point.
Silver is common among antique goods, and the owner of silver items may bring them to an antique gathering where guests may bid for antique items. There, the owner of silver items may find professionals who can evaluate their items, either for their own peace of mind or if they intend to sell those items. The owner may look for buyers in person, or they may even go online offer their silver goods for sale or auction on reputable websites. Naturally, any silver item being shipped to a remote buyer should be packaged carefully for delivery, and this may involve foam padding or bubble wrap and a “fragile” label on the packaging.