There are over 36,500 florists in the United States. There is a reason as to why flowers are so popular as gifts. Flowers are one of the most thoughtful gifts that can be given. They say something about the flower giver, as well as the one receiving them. People who give flowers as a gift are viewed as more emotionally intelligent, caring, and successful, rather than those who give other forms of gifts.
Along with the benefits of giving flowers, getting flowers can be very nice, too. Over 90% of women remember the last time they were given flowers, and most would be willing to bet that closer to 100% of women remember their wedding flowers. Finding beautiful wedding flower arrangements does not have to be an extremely expensive ordeal. Discount wedding flowers can be easily found that still have breathtakingly beautiful features.
The florist industry in the U.S. generates about $7 billion every year. Certainly it’s a very lucrative industry, but many can get caught spending far too much on flowers, especially for a wedding. Finding discount wedding flowers can be a great way to take off some stress of planning a wedding, as well as being just as excited about the beauty of them.
Doing the necessary research is important before any wedding regarding flowers. Visiting an online florist shop can enable you to find discount wedding flowers that can still be customized into any flower arrangement ideas that are beautiful.
Just because they are affordable doesn’t mean they aren’t amazing. Here are some other facts about flowers:
- About 89% of women admit that receiving flowers makes them feel special.
- Of survey respondents, 88% say receiving flowers positively changes their mood.
- About 83% of people like to unexpectedly get flowers.
- A very high 99% of people say that someone who does give flowers is thoughtful.
- About 90% of people believe the flower-giver is sophisticated.
- Red flowers symbolize deep love.
- White represents pure love.
- Yellow carnations symbolize dejection.
Whether you are buying flowers for yourself (14% of women do so on Valentine’s Day), sending flowers to your mother, wife, girlfriend, sister, aunt, boyfriend, or husband, or looking for affordable and gorgeous wedding flowers, spend time carefully selecting the flowers that you want to send.
Flowers say so much about the sender, so it’s important to really be compassionate and think deeply about the people you love who you are sending the flowers to. They deserve it.