The Fourth of July is a day of patriotism. From community parades to family picnics, people across the country celebrate their patriotism in a variety of ways. As night sky after night sky is lit up with fireworks, the color of the next few days is all about the red, white, and blue.
Behind all of the hoopla of painted faces and booming fireworks, however, is the history of this holiday. The birth of the United States is certainly something to celebrate, but it is also a time to remember those people who have fought for the freedoms that we enjoy. At this time, perhaps now more than ever, all Americans should be thinking about how they can provide military support to all of those people who serve, both today and in the past. And while it can sometimes seem difficult to find a way to contribute, everyone can find items throughout their home that could benefit someone else.
If your house is cluttered with clothing and household items that you no longer use, perhaps this Fourth of July is the best time to clear your clutter and provide military support at the same time.
- Closets, cupboards, and dresser drawers are often full of pieces of clothing that no longer fit or are no longer in fashion.
- Estimates indicate that $5.8 billion worth of clothing donations were made to charity foundations in the U.S. in the year In 2007.
- Leaving your old clothes in boxes in the attic in case that you may use them one day is a waste. Wouldn’t it make more sense to go through those boxes and turn some of these items into charitable clothing donations.
- Every member of the family can get in the habit of donating clothing to charity or to show military support by simply having a box in your home where discarded items can be collected. Once a month that box can be taken to a convenient drop off location.
- Boxes of baby clothes might seem difficult to part with, but if you realize the number of families who are struggling to make it from one paycheck to another you might be able to part with some of those memories.
- Recycling clothing that is not in condition to be donated keeps these items out of the already crowded landfills.
- An average person generates 4.5 pounds of trash every day, which leads to nearly 1.5 tons of solid waste a year.
- The average American throws out 82 pounds of textile waste every year.
- Estimates indicate that 80% of donated clothing in America is used by charitable organizations for donation to the needy, as well as for funding.
- In the year 1930, the average American woman owned nine outfits. In the year 2017, that statistic is now 30 outfits. This is the equivalent of one outfit for every day of the month.
- News of charitable giving indicates that 95.4% of Americans participate in at some level of charitable giving.
- Dad’s unworn shoes and suit jackets can be put to really good use if they are donated to a group that helps people find the clothes they need for upcoming job interviews.
- Environmental Agency Protection (EPA) estimates indicate that 75% of solid waste is recyclable. Unfortunately, only 30% is actually recycled.
- Providing military support can seem challenging, but charitable organizations provide an easy way for people to donate clothing items to those who are less fortunate.
- Endorsing recycling is a move in the right direction for a country that has landfills that are overflowing.
- No piece of clothing should ever go into a landfill. It should be repurposed, donated, or recycled.
- Data from 2011 shows that 2 million tons of textiles and clothing were recycled or donated to charity in the U.S.
- Every single very American recycling just 10% of their newspapers, could save about 25 million trees each year.
- Nearly all of the skies across the country will be lit up with fireworks on July 4. After the colorful and loud celebrations, make sure that you find a way to donate to those who have served in the military.
- Clothing textiles can see new life in many ways. They can be donated to those who are less fortunate or they can be recycled and reused in new products.
- Easy donation pick up services encourage your support.