Graduation happened last weekend, but the weather did not exactly cooperate. Today, however, was beautiful and you decided to take make your daughter put on her cap and gown again so that you could get another round of photos. You were also able to finally get a photo by your daughter with her graduation yard sign, as well as her custom swim yard signs from the last four years. It is still the month of May and there are still many people who are hosting grad parties, so no one even looked twice when your daughter was once again in her cap and gown.
As custom printing options become more and more affordable, it is increasingly common to find groups that allow their athletes to order custom swim banners, swim team plaques, and, of course, custom swim team shirts. Sometimes going as far as listing all of the athletes at a particular meet when they offer shirts for sale, these custom options often encourage an increased number of purchases.
Custom Swim Yard Signs Offer a Way for Parents to Show Their School Enthusiasm on Meet Days and Weekends
As parents and community members continue to look for ways to make sure that they highlight the efforts of both students and athletes, there are many options for ordering custom signs, shirts and banners. Using custom swim yard signs to line the boulevard leading up to the front doors of the high school parent booster clubs can help built excitement for big meets like districts and states. Instead of waiting until the end of the season when only a few athletes will be recognized with end of season awards, custom swim yard signs are a way to recognize the entire team all year long.
An added bonus of recognizing high school swimmers is that you can recognize and encourage athletes to continue in a sport that leads to overall health for many years. In fact, did you know that the latest research indicates that nearly 91 million people over the age of 16 swim in oceans, lakes, and rivers each year in the U.S. Because you can train on your own or with a group, it is important to realize that swimming is an excellent lifetime way to stay both active and healthy.
As summer arrives, it really should not be surprising that swimming is the most popular recreational activity for children and teens between the ages of seven and 17. The reality, however, is that this is also a physical activity that many enjoy year round.
As an indicator that swimming is the fourth most popular recreational activity in the U.S. it is important to know that there are 10.4 million residential and 309,000 public swimming pools in the country. Whether you are still looking for some creative graduation pictures for your swimmer who has competed in her last meet of the high school season, or you are planning a way to recognize the athletes on next year’s team, custom made yard signs can make every athlete feel extra special.