Do you enjoy learning about the history of jewelry? The oldest known jewelry that has been found to date was made out of Nassarius shell beads, which are believed to be 100,000 years old. In addition to shells, other gifts from the sea become jewelry, such as sea glass. Over time, glass becomes smooth from being soaked in salt water and then tossed onto the sand by waves. It usually takes between five to 50 years in order for the glass to be worn smooth.
People began making glass in Mesopotamia prior to 2000 B.C. Due to this, sea glass has been found
on beaches and other areas throughout the world. Most of the sea glass that people find today, however, is from the 19th and 20th centuries. Soft green colored glass, for example, originally came from ink, fruit, and baking soda bottles. Both purple and citron sea glass are quite uncommon. A piece of cobalt or cornflower blue sea glass, which originally came from Milk of Magnesia and Vicks VapoRub bottles and jars, is only found about once for every 200 to 1,000 other more common colors of glass.
Since sea glass collecting has become even more popular, particularly within the past ten years, it is challenging to find. Given a love for sea glass collecting, the North American Sea Glass Association was formalized in 2007. Currently, it has approximately 90 members that enjoy learning more about the origins of sea glass and sharing this and other information with the public.
Many of the sites where sea glass was found have little, if any, remaining. It’s interesting to note that the coastline along Fort Bragg is believed to have a wealth of sea glass. This fort is located about eight miles north of Mendocino, California, which is a beautiful coastline. Chances are that many people along this and other coastlines continue to hope to find a piece or two of sea glass when they’re walking along the shore.
If you’re searching for where to find sea glass, you may be interested in purchasing jewelry created from authentic sea glass. In addition to different types of sea glass bracelets, charms, and rings, there are beautiful sea glass necklace designs available. In addition to sea glass pendants, you may also be interested in other styes of sea glass necklace designs that include charms.
Since these sea glass necklace designs and other sea glass jewelry is made from real rather than manufactured sea glass, each piece is unique. This is because the sea glass reflects the colors of a variety of different bottles, jars, and other glass objects that have been worn smooth by the ocean.