When decorating, or redecorating a livingroom, there?s nothing like leather upholstery to create an elegantly comfortable, distinctive look. Uniquely beautiful, high end leather furniture represents easy luxury and style. One of the most important pieces of leather furniture you can invest in is your sofa.
Consider the fact that your sofa is probably the most used piece of furniture in one?s home, aside from the bed and dining table. Studies show that people sit on their sofas for an average of 4 hours daily. Over the course of a year, Americans watch approximately 780 movies, eat over 1,200 meals, and have 1600 spills on our sofas. In addition, an average sofa will seat over 700 visitors during its lifetime. Needless to say, a durable, comfortable, and attractive sofa with leather upholstery is an important piece of furniture.
Durability is essential, and since furniture with leather upholstery lasts over twice as long as furniture made from other materials when it is properly cared for, it makes an excellent choice for a busy family. In spite of the over 1600 spills, leather furniture is easy to keep clean; apply a leather conditioner every six months, and when spills happen, simply wipe them up with a clean cloth.
There are some great reasons to choose leather upholstery furniture over cloth upholstery. First, it resists heat damage, whether from sitting in a sunny window for years, or worse, fire or smoke damage. Leather adjusts to the body temperature of those sitting on it, making it comfortable in all weathers. Furniture with leather upholstery also ages well; unlike fabric furniture, leather looks better with age, and become softer and more supple. In addition, its colors do not fade, crack, or peel, like vinyl and pleather furniture does.
If you?re a pet owner, leather upholstery is a great choice. It is mostly stain and odor-resistant to and doesn?t collect animal hair or dander. Whatever does find its way onto the sofa is easily removed with a damp cloth. This reduces the intensity of pet allergies in the home, and makes the overall place look and smell cleaner than it does for pet owners who use fabric upholstery.
Keep in mind that not all leathers are the same, and not all contemporary leather furniture companies provide equal quality. When shopping for leather furniture, go Italian. The fact is that leather Italian sofas set the worldwide standard for quality. Italian furniture is usually made with full-grain leather, made from the best hides, so that no alteration, sanding or bonding is necessary, making it the highest quality leather upholstery furniture. Italian leather is the best, no matter what it is used for, from shoes to sofas.
When shopping for beautiful high end leather sofas in Los Angeles or elsewhere, there are a few basic things to consider. The cost is a primary concern, but remember that leather furniture is an excellent investment that will be more than worth it. Good leather costs money, so if you come across a supposed deal that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Knock-offs and bonded leather are not worth the lower price. Another consideration is warranty; the best leather companies offer a warranty that provides security in knowing your purchase is protected. Lastly, check the quality of the item carefully; be sure the stitching is straight and reinforced, that there are no loose strings, and that the scent and feel of the leather are as they should be. Remember that leather has a distinctly wonderful smell; if your leather upholstery doesn?t smell right, it?s likely that it?s either been treated improperly, or that it?s not 100 percent real leather. Take your time, ask questions, and do your research before buying.